
Sunday, June 12, 2011

New news or no news? Google's social project... Poking around in code

EDIT: Google chili is/was the old codename for Google Buzz. It isn't used anymore since 2010. But I wonder why they use the old name again...

Ok, I'm tired and stuff and probably hallucinating, but I stumbled over this already quite a few times the last few weeks.... burried in the plusone javascript code, there are always 2 names/definitions reoccurring, treated equally.
plusone (short: pos) and
chili o.O (people widget? Or something else...?)

More stuff from the plusOne javascript source:

J("iframes", [ S ], {
fb: "allow",
close: "close",
La: "getGoogleConnectJsUri",
sb: "getHandler",
tb: "getParentInfo",
Ab: "iframer",
open: "open",
Ra: "propagate",
Gb: "ready",
Kb: "resize",
Ra: "propagate",
Nb: "setGoogleConnectJsVersion",
Ob: "setJsHint",
Xa: "setHandler",
Lb: "resizeMe",
Qb: "setVersionOverride"

Obviously it uses the Google connect api ( too.

A mobile version of plusOne is obviously already being tested:
var h = !ea[gb][Ka](/iPhone|iPad|Android|PalmWebOS|Maemo|Bada/)

Here is the interesting part:

"googleapis.config": {
methods: {
"chili.people.list": !0,
"pos.plusones.list": !0,
"chili.entities.starred.insert": {
cache: {
invalidates: [ "chili.entities.starred", "chili.entitiesDefaultAcl" ]
"chili.people.get": !0,
"chili.entities.get": !0,
"pos.plusones.delete": !0,
"chili.entities.starred.delete": !0,
"chili.entities.list": !0,
"pos.plusones.get": !0,
"chili.groups.list": !0,
"pos.plusones.getDefaultAcl": {
cache: {
enabled: !0
"chili.entities.starred.get": !0,
"pos.plusones.insert": !0,
"chili.activities.list": !0,
"chili.entitiesDefaultAcl.get": !0,
"chili.entities.starred.list": !0,
"chili.activities.get": !0,
"": !0,
"pos.plusones.getSignupState": !0

As you can see, there is lots of interesting stuff going on here... plusones and next to everything we all already know "activities" "groups" "people".... and it is not buzz! I searched the code but buzz is referenced completely different... this is completely new! Maybe it is the people widget... I can't tell, because I don't have it yet...
But it is in the plusone code and not in gMail's code... odd huh?
I'd love to get my hands on the people widget, so I could be sure what it is... or maybe I find more hints... Who knows? :)

Dump for various things:
(don't pay attention, it is just a code-dump  for me)

, "gwidget"


gwidget: {
parsetags: "onload"
rpc: {
commSwf: "///gadgets",
passReferrer: "p2c:query",
parentRelayUrl: "/rpc_relay.html"
iframes: {
":socialhost:": "",
plusone_m: {
params: {
count: "#",
url: "#",
size: "#"
url: ":socialhost:/u/:session_index:/_/+1/button"
plusone: {
params: {
count: "#",
url: "#",
size: "#"
url: ":socialhost:/u/:session_index:/_/+1/button"


J("gapi.widget", [ Cb, Cb.Vb ], {
Cb: "make"


i.__GOOGLEAPIS.gwidget = i.__GOOGLEAPIS.gwidget || {};
var b = j[Xa]("script");
if (b[r] > 0) {
for (var d = "", c = 0; c < b[r]; c++) {
var e = b[c][mb]("src");
e && e[q]("/js/plusone.js") != -1 && (d = a(b[c]));
d = d[Fa](/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
d[q]("{") != 0 && (d = "{" + d + "}");
try {
var h = (new Function("return (" + d + "\n)"))(), f;
for (f in h) i.__GOOGLEAPIS.gwidget[f] = h[f];
} catch (n) {}


c = c || {};
c.userId = c.userId || "@viewer";
c.groupId = c.groupId || "@self";
return new P.Y(a, b, c);

J("gadgets.util", [ K, K.e ], {
S: "makeClosure",
zc: "makeEnum",
qc: "getFeatureParameters",
hasFeature: "hasFeature",
tc: "getServices",
Fc: "registerOnLoadHandler",
Mc: "runOnLoadHandlers",
hb: "attachBrowserEvent",
Hc: "removeBrowserEvent",
mb: "createIframeElement"


J("gadgets.config", [ K, K.g ], {
Xb: "EnumValidator",
cc: "RegExValidator",
Yb: "ExistsValidator",
$b: "NonEmptyStringValidator",
Wb: "BooleanValidator",
Zb: "LikeValidator"

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